Sunday, August 19, 2012

Studio Update

This is my studio mate.
As you may be aware, this is originally designed for light duty work such as sketches, not for heavy canvas paintings, but I have been using this for over twenty years since I got it from my friend for free who also was given it by a owner of an art supply store.
So it may be a cheap one, but actually it can hold pretty heavy and large canvases and is easy to move around- just right for me!

元々はスケッチなどの軽いものを載せるためのもので、重いキャンバスを使った油絵などには使わないのですが、ここ20年来私の アトリエのイーゼルはこれだけ。友人が画材屋さんからもらい受けたものをまた私がタダでもらいました。
安物(?)ですが、一応重いものもそれなりに乗る し、何と言って軽いので動かしやすい。結構使い勝手が良いのです。