Monday, May 13, 2013

A Busy Month

It has been a month since my last post.
It is not a excuse but I was too busy to write a diary;

In April, I went to three exhibitions held in Tokyo area, which include:

- Raffaello (The National Museum of Western Art)   ---TOO MANY PEOPLE! could not look at any painting without looking at someone's head in front of you. I wonder it is truly worth for 1,500 yen... The collections of the museum were much better.

- VOCA (Ueno Royal Museum)--- Curated show of young (under 40?) Japanese artists who are nominated by some reputed galleries. Good works as always, but seems getting the same every year.

- Shunyo 90th Anniversary(National Art Center, Tokyo)---My friends paintings are showcased. Some are wonderful, and some are OK.

Then, I had a reunion of my elementary school class in Osaka (my hometown) and stayed there for a few days to do some errands related to my art.

After I came back, Golden Week Holidays which includes 4 Japanese national holidays started and it kept my husband at home for as long as 10(!) days.
We  took drive, went shopping, two movies, one musical, picnic, eating out many.

Spent too much time outside of my studio.
Let's go back to work!



-ラファエロ展(国立西洋美術館) ・・・人が多すぎ!人の頭が前にあって絵が見えない。1500円の価値が本当にあるのだろうか?同美術館のコレクションの方がずっと良かった。

- VOCA展(上野の森美術館)・・・・有名なギャラリーに推薦された若手作家(40歳以下?)の展覧会。いつもどおり良い作品が並ぶが、マンネリ気味かも。


それから 故郷の大阪で小学校時代のクラスの同窓会があり、何日か大阪にいてアート関連の用事を済ませてきました。



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